Autour de moi

Clinic Saint Jean, dans la ville Arras docteur

Téléphone : 118 418 Dites "S.O.S"

Adresse : 8 Sq Saint Jean  62000 Arras

Activité(s) :

  • Cabinet Médical
  • Docteur
  • Généraliste
  • Médecin Généraliste
  • Centre Médical
  • Médecins Généralistes
  • Médecins : Traitement de la Douleur
  • Médecins : Médecine Tropicale et Pathologies Infectieuses
  • Médecins Phoniatres

Clinic Saint Jean is a medical facility located in the city of Arras, France, with a focus on providing specialized medical services to patients. The clinic offers a wide range of medical services, including treatment for pain, tropical medicine, infectious diseases, and general practice.

The medical professionals at Clinic Saint Jean are highly trained and experienced in their respective fields. They are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients and ensuring their well-being. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatment.

The clinic's primary focus is on the treatment of pain, and its team of doctors has extensive experience in this field. They use a variety of techniques, including medication, physical therapy, and acupuncture, to help their patients manage their pain and improve their quality of life.

In addition to pain management, the clinic also offers specialized services in tropical medicine and infectious diseases. The medical professionals at the clinic are well-versed in the latest treatments and technologies for these conditions and are dedicated to providing their patients with the best possible care.

The clinic also has a team of general practitioners who provide primary care services to patients. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions, from minor illnesses to chronic diseases.

Overall, Clinic Saint Jean is a top-notch medical facility that provides specialized services to patients in the city of Arras and the surrounding areas. Its team of highly trained medical professionals is dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients and ensuring their well-being.

Consultez un Médecin en quelques minutes

Téléconsultation en visio, par chat ou formulaire Nouveau !
Vous pouvez appeler directement le 01 89 01 22 12 (appel gratuit) pour être pris en charge par téléphone
  • Décrivez vos symptômes : un médecin généraliste, inscrit à l’Ordre, prendra contact avec vous.
  • Disponible 7j/7 de 7h à minuit
  • Obtenez un avis médical et une ordonnance valable en pharmacie si nécessaire

Horaires d'ouverture du professionnel Clinic Saint Jean

Les horaires d'ouverture de Clinic Saint Jean à Arras n'ont pas encore été renseignés.

Les entreprises à proximité de Clinic Saint Jean à Arras

Clinic Saint Jean ,médecin vous prendra en charge pour vos problèmes de santé, et autres soins à Arras 62000 : Num tél, adresse, horaires